Experience is the best teacher. If you don’t have your own, borrow from others learning. Any advice is always better than no advice, and coming from an experienced soul, be sure it will have something for you to take from. Listed below are some of the best travel advice we’ve ever come across, from the mouth of those whose feet often tread on the unknown and the unexplored paths.
Advice no. 1
Travel often, and travel alone
“Travel every six weeks of your life” said a passionate traveler. And if you talk to other travel enthusiasts, bet they will all second this fellow’s thought. Traveling is liberating, traveling is a learning, and traveling is what you want to make it. Cherry on the cake would be to travel alone. Solo travelers often can’t imagine to tag along a constant companion with them. Also, most travelers argue, having no travel companion is a pity reason to not travel at all.
Advice no. 2
Pack Light and Pack Smart
While packing the essentials that will be required in the journey is important, but stuffing your bags with needless fancy stuff is a big hindrance to your travel pleasure. Pack light and sail smoothly. Frequent travelers swear by the the letdown of carrying a heavy suitcase while on an adventure trip. Also it’s obvious to do some shopping, so having space to fit in the newly bought items and souvenirs would be advisable.
Advice no. 3
Listen to Your Instincts
It is important to hear your inner voice when in a foreign land. While more chances are that you’ll meet helpful people ready to guide you through. But notorious people are present all over, and if you think you’ve come across one, it is better to turn around and change your paths. Trusting your instincts also applies on trying a new restaurant, a local delicacy or some recreational activity. It’s better to miss a chance than to regret having tried something awful.
Advice no. 4
Prefer Hostels over Hotels
Ask your friends you’ve had quite some traveling experience in far off places, and if they’ve experimented with their lodgings. If they have, they will sure tell you how much better it is to stay at a place where you can have a community experience rather than locking yourself in a luxurious hotel room. Seasoned travelers advice to opt for hostels over hotels as it gives a chance to meet new people and cultural exchange. It also teaches us to adjust and accommodate.
Advice no. 5
Make a Local Buddy
The eyes of a local will show you what your cursory glance cannot catch. Traveling to a new place is not just about sightseeing, it is about exploration and discovery. If taken the advice of experienced travelers, it is best to interact with the local people and befriend them to have a wholesome trip of a new place. A local buddy will also guide you to see interesting places that you did not find in the guidebook and try foods that you could not imagine existed.

Authors Bio:
Gaurav Goutam
Even if traveling isn’t free, it is worth every penny to spend on visiting new places. That’s , according to me, the best way to learn and grow in life. So this is all I do, besides sweating it out at work to earn those big bucks. Writing & photography are two of my other passions. Catch me here.